Friday, February 8, 2008

Liberalism is a Religion

I just finished listening to an audiobook entitled Godless - The Church of Liberalism by Ann Coulter. She is one of the most vocal opponents of liberalism around today, and she is regularly vilified by her liberal opponents.

I had never read anything by her before, and decided that I needed to hear for myself. I have friends who spend a lot of time on talk radio and cable news shows, so I've heard their opinions, but I was a little surprised by what I heard.

I don't espouse the liberal agenda - I tend to agree with the opinions expressed by Coulter - but the method that she employs is extremely abrasive. She will not win any converts, build any bridges, or solve any problems with this method. She will succeed in further polarizing an already highly polarized debate.

So - enough about the tone of her book - the content was very clear and challenging. Ann makes the point that liberals attack Judeo-Christian religious tradition while in the same breath their belief system has all the same attributes as a religion, namely:
  • Holy Sacraments - Abortion
  • Canon - Roe v. Wade
  • Clergy - public school teachers
  • Churches - public schools prohibiting prayer and handing out free condoms
  • Doctrine of Infallibility - absolute moral authority of spokesmen (Cindy Sheehan, Max Cleland, etc.)
  • Cosmology - humans are the result of an accident
  • Creation Myth - Darwin's theory of evolution

She spends the most time on evolution - she calls its proponents "Darwiniacs" - and exposes it as a story without any true scientific backing. I especially enjoyed the many scandals, frauds, and hoaxes that have been played out upon mankind in order to show "evidence" to back the theory of evolution - she outlines them all and explains their history, and shows how the doctrine of infallibility seems to insulate Darwinism from any criticism.

Since Ann Coulter is an active voice on the political stage today (I watched her in a Q&A session on C-SPAN tonight) I recommend the reading of this book - but be warned that she won't pull any punches. Last week I saw a picture of her posted inside of one of my co-workers cubicles - he is a Democrat - and he had used a sharpie to draw horns, a pitchfork, and a pointy tail. So I guess I can add one more bullet point to my list above:
  • Devil - Ann Coulter


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I feel like many of the "active voices of the political stage" are abrasive, and while I see the logic in, and sometimes agree with, the "you can catch more flies with honey" mentality, I also rather appreciate Ann's pull-no-punches outspokenness. As our constitutional foundation shifts on it's ever-slipperier slope, I have often read something Coulter while nodding my head in full agreement.

Rex Vallis said...

As I listened to the book, I found myself laughing out loud at the brazen way she addresses things, sometimes cringing, often nodding in agreement like you said, etc.